We often report the impact our programs have on students in Jamaica. This time around, we thought we would share the impact on some of our volunteers - who happen to be undergraduate students themselves!

When asked - Overall what did you take away from the overall experience?

“I took away the idea that we can all make a difference in this world whether it is big or small. Something as simple as doing a science experiment with the elementary school kids made such an impact on them and gave them something to look forward to. I believe that because of this trip, I have become more grateful for the opportunities I have been given and have seen a new aspect of the world that I know I can continue to impact as I grow up,” – KW

When asked - How has the experience impacted your career outlook?

“This experience has only strengthened my goals of working to care for people,” – ES 

When asked - What impacted you the most?

“The children’s personalities and expressions throughout the workshop impacted me the most. Seeing how excited they were about science was what we were waiting for, and really was amazing to see come to life!” – MD

When asked - How did the workshop experience complement your area of study?

“Being that I’ve studied Biology and Health Sciences teaching and explaining the experiments with the students was a test of my knowledge. I had to think back to previous education of when I learned the water cycle and about microbes in pond water. Putting my knowledge about blood typing was rewarding because of how fascinated the students were to learn about it, the experience reminded me of how fascinated I was when I first learned about it too,” – AM

We are thrilled that STEPS is impacting not just the initial intended target audience, but these young volunteers too! Reaching GenerationNEXT across the board!

We look forward to your continued support so that we may continue to do this work. Thank you & Stay tuned for more updates!!!

Together we can!
Together we can!