How do Coding and Lab Grown Meat go together?

In a workshop designed to introduce cutting-edge technology, where we focus on innovation and environmental health – our students bring us back down to earth…

What topic are they most enthralled with? Cow farts!!

We harness their enthusiasm – after all, cows produce methane, which over time impacts climate change. So, the topic that intrigued our young audience could be the basis of a sustainable solution to our climate issue!

We combine subject areas – computer science, biology, and engineering. Students were introduced to computer coding to simulate their very own lab grown meat! First, they generated code to create growth medium in a virtual environment. This became the ideal environment to “grow” their own laboratory derived meat. Next, Step by step, they coded “meat berries”.

The end result – “meat grown in a virtual lab!!” – as our students exclaimed. Using this multi-dimensional learning approach, we facilitated lively discussions on how lab-grown meat could positively influence the climate and the environment. We touched on topics ranging from how traditionally grown meat may be contaminated with bacteria after being slaughtered, and lab grown meat could avoid this bacterial contamination. We also discussed the potential for lab grown meat to provide more control over nutritional content, which became a strong topic for debate amongst the young minds.

Our participants thoroughly enjoyed the coding activity, many counting it as the activity they enjoyed most for the day. We were able to reignite one student’s passion for coding as they commented on that aspect as their favorite activity, “I loved coding but I forgot about it until they (the facilitators) were talking about it”.

Other students enjoyed learning about coding and its utility based on one of their future goals – to create an app. Another student’s feedback reassured us that we accomplished our mission when he said that the day’s activities influenced him to do more research into the world climate clock and what technology can do to help.

SOSA is dedicated to keeping all young students abreast of the advancement of technology in our world and how it may impact us. We appreciate your continued support in this venture!

Meat grown in a virtual lab!
Meat grown in a virtual lab!