Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
by Trisha Joseph
As a Physics major in post-secondary education, I receive a lot of speculation about why I chose this course of study. Most come in the form of compliments such as: “You’re a physics major? You must be very clever and extremely intelligent” or “I could never do something like that, you must be so proud.” But the feeling I experience is far from pride in myself but rather a strong sense of discomfort. I do not internalize the praise, but instead worry that they will soon find out this is all not true. These thought patterns are not uncommon among students and adults in varying professions. In my time as an undergraduate student, the more success I experienced, the more I thought that I did not deserve them. When I found myself in rooms among other intellectuals or in difficult upper-level classes, I had thoughts that “I shouldn’t be here”. I felt like an imposter who had slipped through the cracks somehow and would soon be found out by those around me.
Stand out from the crowd: Tips on writing a winning personal statement for college
by Natricha Levy McFarlane
It is almost time for college. You have picked your top choices and gathered your standardised test scores, transcripts and other essential documents. You are now ready to complete the applications, but one area has you stumped – the personal statement!
What should you write about? Where do you begin? Why is this necessary anyway?
What is a personal statement?
A personal statement is the main essay for college applications where you get to talk about yourself – who you are, why you want to do that program, your suitability for it...
10 years of SOSA: How did we get here?
10 years…A bit surreal, but here we are. Looking back, I am thrilled with the impact that we’ve made.
How did it all begin?
About me
I’ve always been community service oriented. In high school I joined every extra-curricular club that I could find. It was a lot - but things like raising funds for worthwhile causes through Key Club walkathons were really my thing! Fresh from founding an organization...

SOSA News 2021_Issue 1
Take a few minutes to catch up on SOSA happenings! In our latest issue, we introduce/re-introduce our Board of Directors and Management Team, recap our Virtual Field Trips, SOSAvember events. Get involved today!
Email info@thesosa.org with any questions.

Want to share your knowledge on a particular technique? Have some advice for early-career scientists on their career? Any lab tips and tricks you wish to share? Do you want to tell our global network about your recently published paper? Then, write for SOSA!
Pitch your idea to us for a chance to write a blog on our website. The blog post must be original, with a recommended article length of 1200-1700 words.
If interested, email info@thesosa.org or CLICK HERE

Curious about a career in STEM? SOSA programs can help!
By Natricha Levy McFarlane
You have made it through 2020! Take a moment to celebrate.
We are now half-way through the first month of 2021. This is usually a time when we reflect, analyze where we are in life and set goals we hope to accomplish for the year. READ MORE

Prepared by Natricha Levy McFarlane
The world is changing, and SOSA is adapting. We hosted our first virtual career fair on September 26, 2020. Our intent was to inspire youth, especially high school students transitioning to university and college, and undergraduates, to see a career in STEM as an option. READ MORE
If you are shopping on Amazon this Christmas,
why not add supporting SOSA to your Christmas shopping list?
Shop for gifts at smile.amazon.com/ch/45-2538334 to generate donations for
Society for Scientific Advancement Inc.
Thanks for reading and for your continued support of SOSA.